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Memory Records was a legendary Italo Disco label founded in 1983 by Alessandro Zanni (executive producer) in association with Stefano Cundari (art producer). Since the very beginning, Memory Records took a special care for the instrumental synthesizer productions, launching artists such as Hipnosis, Koto, and Cyber People. Beside of these, the main label artists are: J.D. Jaber, Mike Cannon, Duke Lake, Baby's Gang, Ken Laszlo, Alan Ross, Brian Ice, Roy, and Swan.

Some relevant names who collaborated with Memory Records were: Ivana Spagna and Larry Pignagnoli (Baby's Gang, Brando, Diego, Phil Grant), Angelo Bergamini (Kirlian Camera, Hipnosis), Giorgio Spagna (Mike Cannon, Cyber People), Antonello Gabelli and Gianluca Bergonzi (J.D. Jaber, Sky Creackers, Faxe, Cheaps, Duke Lake), Anfrando Maiola (Koto), Sandro Oliva and Gino Caria (Ken Laszlo, Alan Ross, Joe Lettieri, 50 & 50 Brothers, Argentina), Fabrizio Rizzolo and Roberto Lajolo (Brian Ice, Roy, Apple In Jacket), Giancarlo Cinelli (Swan, Joe Lettieri), Giulio Ferrarin (Lee Young), Alex Cundari, Mirko Dalporto, Ottavio Bacciocchi, Daniele Davoli (DJ Lelewel), Giancarlo Pasquini.

After four golden years, the beginning of the end arrived in 1987, when Italo Disco was fading out in Europe. Then the label, as many others, tried to survive changing its style towards House and Eurobeat with discrete results, until it stopped in 1989.

ZYX Records became a partner since the first releases, licensing almost the entire catalogue for the German market. By 1984, the company of Bernhard Mikulski even starts to use the Memory Records logos and similar catalogue matrix. When Renata Edizioni Musicali stopped their business, all the licensing rights were acquired by the German company.



Year Cat. No. Song Artist
1983 MEMIX 001 Communicate Kirlian Camera
MEMIX 002 Pulsar Hipnosis
End Title (Blade Runner)
MEMIX 003 Moliendo Café Cheaps
MEMIX 004 You Should Be Dancing Sky Creackers
MEMIX 005 Don't Stop Lovin' J.D. Jaber
MEMIX 006 Time For Changes Faxe
MEMIX 007 Voices In The Dark Mike Cannon
MEMIX 008 Japanese War Game Koto
MEMIX 009 Do You Duke Lake
MEMIX 010 Oxigene Hipnosis
MEMIX 011 Happy Song Baby's Gang
MEMIX 012 Rainy Day Brando
MEMIX 013 Walk In The Night Diego
1984 MEMIX 014 Hey Girl Phil Grant
MEMIX 015 Polaris Cyber People
MEMIX 016 Hey Hey Guy Ken Laszlo
MEMIX 017 Stay Mike Cannon
MEMIX 018 Change Your Life Mirage
MEMIX 019 Can't Stop Saying I Love You The Kitch Club
MEMIX 022 Satisfaction, Love & Passion Duke Lake
MEMIX 023 Astrodance Hipnosis
MEMIX 024 Acapulco Nights G.J. Lunghi
MEMIX 025 Hot Stuff Image
MEMIX 026 Love Me Now (Please Love Me Do) Life Movies
MEMIX 027 Challenger Baby's Gang
Happy Birthday (To My Mammy)
MEMIX 028 Void Vision Cyber People
1985 MEMIX 029 Valentino Mon Amour Alan Ross
MEMIX 030 Visitors Koto
MEMIX 031 Dance Tonight Duke Lake
MEMIX 032 Talking To The Night Brian Ice
MEMIX 033 Ma Pecché Assanti
MEMIX 034 Goin' Crazy Mike Cannon
MEMIX 035 Tonight Ken Laszlo
MEMIX 036 Destiny Time Roy
1986 MEMIX 038 Tonight (Remix) Ken Laszlo
MEMIX 039 Doctor Faustu's Ciber People
MEMIX 040 The Last Wall Alan Ross
MEMIX 041 Tokyo Brian Ice
MEMIX 042 Can Delight My Mine
MEMIX 045 Don't Cry Ken Laszlo
MEMIX 046 Don't Wake Me Up J.D. Jaber
MEMIX 047 Jabdah Koto
MEMIX 050 Monkey Monkey Flo Astaire
MEMIX 051 Harem Solo
MEMIX 052 General Custer Swan
MEMIX 053 Jabdah (Remix) Koto
1987 MEMIX 054 Napoleon (Napolion) Lee Young
MEMIX 055 You'll Be Mine Joe Lettieri
MEMIX 056 Night Girl Brian Ice
MEMIX 057 Wheel Of Love Laurie
MEMIX 058 Neanderthal Man Yeti
MEMIX 061 Ken Laszlo
MEMIX 062 Shooting Star Roy
MEMIX 063 Glasses Man Ken Laszlo
MEMIX 064 New World Apple In Jacket
MEMIX 065 Red Man 50 & 50 Brothers
MEMIX 067 Droid Hipnosis
Automatic Piano
1988 MEMIX 068 Keep Me Satisfied Swan
MEMIX 069 Let's Play Sexy Games Argentina
MEMIX 070 Digital Signal Processor Cyber People
MEMIX 071 When I Let You Down Robert Tomasi
MEMIX 072 Keep The Joint Max 'n Sandy
MEMIX 073 Red Man Ken Laszlo
Black Pearl
MEMIX 074 Dragon's Legend Koto
MEMIX 075 Disco Maniac Denise & Baby's Gang
MEMIX 077 Let's All Dance Argentina
MEMIX 079 Cherry Chery Tony Turn
MEMIX 080 Over Again Brian Ice
MEMIX 081 If You Say You Love Me Tina Gabriel
1989 MEMIX 082 Chinese Revenge (Asia Version '89) Koto
MEMIX 083 Everybody Is Dancing Ken Laszlo
MEMIX 084 Entriamo? Gino Carya
MEMIX 085 Do The Crocodile 50 & 50 Brothers
MEMIX 086 I Love You Helen
MEMIX 087 Madame Ken Laszlo
Let Me Try
MEMIX 088 Hold Your Horses Daniel Danieli
The Race
MEMIX 089 Summer Time Argentina
MEMIX 090 Angel Angel
MEMIX 091 Walkin Away Brian Ice
MEMIX 092 Infatuation Miss Sage
MEMIX 093 Ciao Alan Ross
MEMIX 094 Tonight My Love Is Alive Shado

Vocalists and Aliases[]
